Tracey Elliot-Reep Logo

Tracey Elliot-Reep Dartmoor Collection

2024 Calendar (Cover Picture: Haytor Rocks)

2024 Calendar Front Cover 2024 Calendar Back Cover

A high quality 13-month photographic Dartmoor calendar showing atmospheric images of Dartmoor through the seasons, including an envelope and four bonus postcards. 235 x 335 mm £10.99 + P+P

Please see Tracey's special offers for orders of two or more on her website.

2024 Calendar Page Example

Bonus 4 Postcards

2024 Calendar Postcards

Tracey grew up on a farm near Widecombe-in-the-Moor on Dartmoor. With her life-long love of Dartmoor she is based there and produces postcards, greeting cards, books and calendars. She has also completed epic solo rides across continents and has published her adventures in photographic books.

Tracey's Dartmoor cards, calendars and books are available at outlets in and around Dartmoor and also directly from her website:

Christmas Cards

Sample Christmas Card Sample Christmas Card


Sample Christmas Card Sample Christmas Card

You can buy Tracey's Christmas Cards from her website:


Sample Notelet Sample Notelet


Sample Notelet Sample Notelet

You can buy Tracey's Notelets from her website:


Rainbow's Farmyard Friends

Both children learning to read and adults reading to children will love these delightful stories based on real animals that live on Dartmoor.

Rainbow's Farmyard Friends by Tracey Elliot-Reep - Front Cover Rainbow's Farmyard Friends by Tracey Elliot-Reep - Blue the Sheep Rainbow's Farmyard Friends by Tracey Elliot-Reep - Dex the Calf Rainbow's Farmyard Friends by Tracey Elliot-Reep - Lad the Dog


Rainbow's Farmyard Friends by Tracey Elliot-Reep -Pinky the Piglet Rainbow's Farmyard Friends by Tracey Elliot-Reep - Rainbow the Pony Rainbow's Farmyard Friends by Tracey Elliot-Reep - Ruby the Red Hen Rainbow's Farmyard Friends by Tracey Elliot-Reep - Thunder the Foal

"Your wonderful books arrived today and what a joy they are!! Mum and I have read them all and loved all the beautiful photos.....they can be enjoyed equally by children and "large children"!! (Quote from customer who ordered 3 sets.)

Each book cover is a different colour of the Rainbow and has 34 pages packed with beautiful photographs and illustrations.

These books can be purchased individually for £5.00 each or a set of the seven Rainbow books is available in a beautiful gift box for a special offer of £25.00 (saving £10).


On the Farm

Educational and fun photographic books for early readers and anyone who loves animal and farm life.

A,B,C, On the Farm by Tracey Elliot-Reep 1,2,3, On the Farm by Tracey Elliot-Reep Animals On the Farm by Tracey Elliot-Reep


What Grows On the Farm by Tracey Elliot-Reep Machinery On the Farm by Tracey Elliot-Reep

Each book is 32 pages packed with beautiful photographs. Book dimensions 16 x 19 cm (6 1/4”x 7 1/2”

They are available individually at £5.95 or as a set of 5 at the special discount price of £24.75.

Please visit my website to see more information


The Dartmoor Pony


A beautiful collection of Tracey's favourite photographs, taken over the past two decades through all the seasons, complete with the history and present day life of the Dartmoor Pony.

72 pages of beautiful photographs with sketches and informative text.
230 x 250 mm landscape 9 x 10 inches.
Flexi-cover with reinforced fold over flaps.
Price £10.00 with two free pony bookmarks.


Dartmoor Days

Dartmoor Days-Front Cover Dartmoor Days-Back Cover

A photographic and informative flavour of Dartmoor National Park, the largest and wildest landscape in Southern England, describing its abundant wildlife, scenery and archaeological remains.
Paperback £5.00


Shaggy Sheep

Shaggy Sheep-Front Cover Shaggy Sheep-Back Cover

An anthology of sheep in photography and art. A humorous and factual, must-read for anyone with an interest in these wonderful animals.
Paper back with reinforced cover flaps £9.99


Riding by Faith Across Southern Europe

Riding by Faith Across Southern Europe-Front Cover Riding by Faith Across Southern Europe-Back Cover

Tracey Elliot-Reep is one of today's true adventurers, and also a highly skilled photographer. Riding by Faith Across Southern Europe is packed with beautiful pictures of landscapes, animals, people and history. This book is a graphic and gripping account of her latest exploits. A true test of endurance, from the arid heat of Greece, to the high altitude of the Alpine mountain passes, and on to an ancient pilgrim trail, the Way of St.James, all the way through France and the dry, windswept plains of northern Spain. A captivating book for anyone who has a sense of adventure.

A gripping journey with two Greek ponies from the arid heat of Greece, across the Alps of southern Europe, to the ancient pilgrim trail of northwest Spain.
232 photographic pages. Size 210 x 240mm Hard back - £20


Riding by Faith Across America

Riding by Faith Across America-Front Cover Riding by Faith Across America-Back Cover

A stunning photographic account of a dream becoming reality, as Tracey rode all the way from Mexico to Canada following the Rocky Mountains. An inspirational, informative and humorous taste of life in the American West, past and present.
310 photographic pages
Size 225mm x 265mm
Hardback £25


Riding by Faith Through New Zealand

Riding by Faith Through New Zealand-Front Cover Riding by Faith Through New Zealand-Back Cover

Riding by Faith Through New Zealand Tracey's first big adventure started with faith, a friend and only a few pounds in her pocket. They travelled the length of the North and South Islands of New Zealand, across mountains and battled through cyclones, floods and droughts.
150 pages of stunning photographs and adventures. Bound in a tough flexi-cover with fold-over flaps for durability.
New Edition Flexi-cover £15


Riding by Faith Through Ireland

Riding by Faith Through Ireland-Front Cover Riding by Faith Through Ireland-Back Cover

Riding through Southern Ireland on her Highland ponies (ridden from Scotland), Tracey captures the beauty of the countryside and its good humoured characters.
135 colour photographs, 98 colour pages. size 240mm x 210mm
Hard back £14.95 Paper back £11.95


Riding by Faith Through Israel

Riding by Faith Through Israel - Cover

Tracey's latest adventure is her recent journey on horseback through Israel. The cover has its flaps unfold here.
156 colour pages. size 240mm x 210mm
Soft cover £17.50

This beautiful photographic book tells the dramatic account of Tracey Elliot-Reep's challenging pilgrimage on horseback through Israel. Here she meets many inspirational people and explores the history of this fascinating country from the Biblical era through to modern times, including the re-enactment of the Charge of Beersheba by ANZAC (Australian and New Zealand) forces - the last successful cavalry charge in history.


"I believe the word ‘Enthusiasm’ has its roots in the combination of the two Greek words meaning God within. Your passion for photography and horses underscores your enthusiasm." D.M., California


To see more details and Tracey's more extensive collection please visit

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