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Banner Images

You can find out more about the various images used in the website page banner here. We will add to these images from time to time. The images were all taken within Widecombe Parish and at all seasons of the year, showing its beauty and interest whatever the weather.
Honeybag Tor dominates the skyline behind Widecombe Church. Taken from the road close to the southern end of Widecombe Fair Field
Sunbeams piercing the rainclouds over the Widecombe Valley to the south of Widecombe Village. Taken from Pudsham Down
Bluebells down by the river. Abundant by the Webburn. Holwell Lawn (just outside the parish - towards Hound Tor) is a good place to walk amongst them.
Dartmoor Ponies on Hameldown. The iconic Dartmoor view. Beautiful semi-feral ponies roaming free on the Moor. Long may it continue.
The Church House in Widecombe Village centre. In its time it has been an alehouse, a school and a workhouse, amongst other things, and now it is owned by the National Trust and has an NT shop and the rest is used as the village hall.
The Moor gate at the top of Church Lane (or Bowden Lane). There used to be many of these gates on the roads leading to Dartmoor, essentially as a means of controlling livestock. Now they have been largely replaced by cattle grids to avoid slowing down traffic. See how many sites you can find that would have had gates in the past.
Picture from the Widecombe Archive showing the community gathered outside the Church House in 1909 - waiting for the Prince and Princess of Wales who were en route to the Huccaby Races.
The Cave-Penny Memorial on Corndon Down in the south of the parish. The inscription reads: 'To the Glory of God and to the Dear Memory of Evelyn Anthony Cave Penny Lieut Q.V.O. Corps of Guides. Fell in Palestine whilst gallantly commanding his men June 8th 1918 Aged 19. Look up and lift up your heads.' Q.V.O = Queen Victoria's Own
Shire horses on the village green. Riders are often out in the parish. Always a spectacle, especially the shires.
Roundhouse on Yar Tor Down with Sharp Tor in the background. Widecombe Parish, and Dartmoor generally, abounds with archaeological remains. There are some spectacular roundhouses well worth exploring.
The information on this page was last modified on February 25 2024 13:59:57.