Reading Out Loud
Focused Elements:
You can have these explanations read out loud by clicking on 'Speak Explanation' (access key 'a')
These controls are to provide alternative means of accessing the information on this page. Two main facilities are provided: adjusting the text size and listening to the text on the page.
1) Adjusting Text Size:
You can increase the text size by clicking on 'Larger' (access key '+'), and reduce it by clicking on 'Smaller' (access key '-'). You can reset the size back to its original value by clicking on 'Reset' (access key 'j')
2) Listening to the Text
You can adjust the pitch of the spoken word, the rate or speed of delivery and the volume. You can also choose the voice to use by clicking on the drop-down list. The default voice is whatever is the standard for the computer and browser you are using.
To set your default, please refer to the description in the Accessibility Statement.
There are normally three sections of text on the page that you can listen to: the headings, the main text and a selection. Click on 'Speak Headings to speak the page headings (access key 'l'). Click on 'Speak Main Text' (access key 'q') to listen to the main text.
You can also select an area of text in the page using standard select methods and click on 'Speak Selection' (access key 'w') to read the selection aloud.
You can enable the reading out loud of the element that currently has focus by clicking on 'Start Focus Speaking' (access key 'f') and you can stop this by clicking on 'Stop Focus Speaking' (access key 'd').
You can pause the audio by clicking on 'Pause' (access key 'r') and resume by clicking on 'Resume' (access key 't').
To cancel or stop the audio click on 'Cancel' (access key 'y'). To restart the current audio from the beginning, click on 'Restart' (access key 'k').
To hide the accessibility controls click on 'Hide Panel' (access key 'h')
To hide this explanation click on 'Hide Explanation' (access key 'x')
Copyright Notice

This site is the copyright of a number of persons and organisations.
All copyright holders fully reserve their rights to the content of which they hold the copyright.
The site breaks down into a number of logical sections and the content of these sections largely correspond to areas of copyright.
These sections and their content copyright owners are as follows:
- Widecombe History - Mainly Widecombe History Group (Registered Charity Number 1144684) with some contribution from Rogann Designs
- Widecombe Parish Minutes, Agendas and other Material - Widecombe Parish Council
- Parish Link - Moorland Team of Churches
- Widecombe Sports Group
- Widecombe Craft Market
- Widecombe Village Market
- Individual Advertisers own their own copyright
All other sections are the copyright of Rogann Designs.
The site design is the copyright of Rogann Designs.
The information on this page was last modified on February 25 2024 13:59:48.